17 May 2008

Snuggle Up!

My kids are weird. I think most kids are, but mine seem weird in different ways. Like, most kids take a favorite toy to bed, and that isn't weird, but mine take their cars, trucks and puzzles to bed. And that is weird. But, whatever... I guess to them, if they get bored or lonely, there's just nothing like cuddling up to a cold, hard, sharp-cornered metal or plastic thing.
Here's Owen, all tucked in with his "handy-nandy notebook" (the boys love them some Blue's Clues), and a random assortment of other bedtime toys:

And here's Drew with his bedtime toys He opted for a train for this picture, but lately he's been taking his "pimp-mobile" which is a tricked out stretch Cadillac, about the size of a loaf of bread, but a lot heavier. Notice the lack of blankets and pillow; he doesn't like extra stuff in his crib unless its a toy:


Marissa said...

I used to sleep with a chair! How weird is that?

Anonymous said...

I am sure they will still grow up to be "normal" so don't stress out about it too much...well, I don't think you are stressing, I think you are finding the humor in it. You're a good mommy..keep up the good work! :)

Tina Mitchell said...

Ben sleeps with a pile of cars, or dinosaurs or books, your kids are normal! I never slept with anything growing up, maybe thats wierd! lol Love and miss you heather!

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