01 December 2006

It's Official

Yay! I can finally put up Christmas decorations!
I guess I'd better clean my house first... I made myself a little Chore Chart so I can stay on top of cleaning. It's working pretty well, so far. I've been kinda flexible with it, so I don't get too fanatical and throw the thing in the garbage if I don't stick to the plan. For example: Today I really didn't feel like tackling the TV room which is large and messy and full of a lot of junk I haven't decided what to do with, so I chose to clean the living room (which, at the time of this writing I haven't actually done) and save the TV room for tomorrow. Why do today what you can put off 'til some other time?
Speaking of Christmas, Abby mentioned on a recent blog post some ways to get in the Christmas spirit. Personally, I've gotten to the point of not really caring about presents, so without all the excitement of gift-getting* I've had to think of other ways to get through the season without feeling like Ol' Ebenezer. So rather than clog up Abby's comment section, I figured I'd post some of my ideas here**.
  • Shovel snow for your neighbor.
  • Make cookies and give some to a friend (eat some yourself, of course!).
  • Listen to Christmas music.
  • Help give an underprivileged family a better Christmas. We saw a program set up at the mall called Secret Santa where you can pick a kid and anonymously donate a present from their wishlist. Also, no matter where you go to church (or even if you don't), the local clergy probably know of someone who could use some help--food, clothes, toys--doesn't have to be anything big.
  • Send a Christmas card to your grandparents. Or your parents, or whoever.

I guess there are lots of ways to have a happy holiday. I'm going to start by cleaning our living room (even though Drew and Owen will probably have it strewn with books again the second they wake up from their naps).

* I realize getting presents isn't the 'reason for the season' but there was a time when it was definitely one of the more exciting parts of Christmas.
** I haven't tried all of these, and maybe I won't get to all of them this season; I'm not Wonder Woman. But I usually find, every year, that I have more fun if I'm thinking of ways to help others have more fun...

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