06 December 2006

Various Random Stories; Part II

(I realize this is the second post today, I just decided to break my post into two segments to make them more readable. I find it more aesthetically pleasing and less daunting to read.)
And now for Story Number Two. Drew and Owen pretty much sleep through the night now. HOORAY! They have been for a while, and it's been kinda nice. So imagine my surprise (and feelings of slight annoyment) when Owen starts screaming at 1:30 in the morning. I went in to check on him, gave him back his pacifier,* gave him a hug, and he went right back to sleep. I went back to my bed, snuggled down under my warm quilt, closed my eyes for what felt like seconds but was probably minutes, and suddenly Drew starts screaming. So I stumbled out of bed and made the trek across the hall to the boys room. Again. Checked on Drew, gave him his pacifier, gave him a hug, put him back to bed. Still screaming. So I picked him up again and as I did so, I noticed something in the corner of Drew's crib that didn't belong there. Merle. That crazy cat had jumped into the crib and is just small enough to fit between the slats (yeah, it's an old crib and probably wouldn't pass today's high standards of safety).And it freaked Drew out. So I booted Merle out of the crib, let Drew sleep in my bed until he calmed down, and then put him back to bed, at which point he fell right to sleep. Thus ends Story Number Two.
Thank you for joining us for Parts I and II of our two-part series, "Various Random Stories." Stay tuned, and we just may add more exciting Stories to the series. The fun never ends at the House of Canfield.
* We just don't say certain words in our house, and Binky is one of them. Others are 'potty;' 'poo-poo' (we prefer the more classy term 'doo-doo pie'); 'pee-pee' and 'boo-boo.' There are others, but too many to list here. Maybe I should make another post! ...some other day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the various random stories! I heard that if your cat is cold he will often lie on top of babies while they sleep. So with your next baby, boot the cat or lock him out of the baby's room during nap/night time as with tiny babies they have been known to sufficate under the weight of the cat. Just a little bit of trivia for ya.

(not trying to give you a nightmare, just trying to keep your kids safe!)

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