16 July 2008


I've seen this on a few of my friends' blogs, and decided I'd give it a go, too.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Anonymous said...

I remember climbing up on the roof of our Canyon Road house with you, and sitting up there for a long time watching cars and catching sun. I can't recall what we talked about but I'm sure it often had to do with boys. I remember you had an easier time getting back down off the roof than I did because you were (and still are) taller (barely:)

I don't have a blog, so how about an e-mail? I have more memories of you than I can count, and I'm grateful for all of them. You really are the best sister ever (even better than Jennifer;)I love you!

Marissa said...

Oh that "Te amo" incident was so embarassing! And the singing in the stairwell was so much fun!! I loved the MTC. We had so much fun didn't we? I just have memories of having fun in class, losing our dorm key in the leaves and finding it (thank goodness) running together, and everything else. You and Jade just made the MTC experience so great and I'm so glad we were a threesome! I'll always remember how sweet and SO funny you were (and still are, but you know what I mean)

abby's photo shoppe said...

My best/funniest memory is definately when you came up last year with your hubby and kids and our other company went outside to "get something out of the car" and .... hilarity ensued... for what seemed like hours. Have you ever heard a horse when it's bucking and .... (I'm just gonna say it) farting? Ahhhhh, memories! Besides that, I love that when I come visit you you are so layed back and calm about stuff. Also, last year when I was there visiting and needed a break and you went walking with me and we just talked and hauled around Poky. You are too cool.

Jennifer said...

We have so many memories, I guess I will have to say Hawaii. Who better to experience surfing, a flea market and everything else there than with one of your best fiends.

Nurse Heidi said...

I have a really long ago memory of visiting you guys when you had goats. Does that ring a bell? Maybe I'm just hallucinating. I definitely remember visiting you guys in Logan, and an incident in which you discovered that Kevin got into the cheese (again) and found a half eaten brick out in the front yard.

Amy said...

I think one of the first memories I have of you was when we visited your family in Logan. At one point, you disappeared, and no one could find you. You had gone outside in the yard, and fallen asleep.

Kadee said...

So I know I'm a little slow on this but I was just popping a bagel in the toaster oven when I remember a conversation we once had that went like this:
Me: Why don't you have a microwave?
You: Because my Dad got custody of the Microwave.
You: You wouldn't laugh if your dad got custody of the microwave.

Anyways I think it was a funny conversation, I may have really hurt your feelings at the time, I'm still not sure if you were being funny or not.
I have tons of great memories of you I always enjoyed our walks to the top of the cul-de-sac, too.

Sar and Dan said...

big bangs + bird poo = one very unhappy little girl!
(couldn't resist!)

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