06 August 2008

Some Video

Still not much going on around here. Just hangin' out, listening to David yell at the TV (He's yelling things like, "Why on Earth would Brett Favre go to the Jets? They're a horrible team," his voice getting more and more exasperated-sounding with each comment). Since I don't really have any opinions about it other than Favre should have just stayed retired--gone out with his dignity in tact, et cetera--I figure I should just keep quiet about it. Rather than get involved in all the sports talk, I opted to organize the pictures on our computer (exciting, I know). I found a few videos I thought I'd post.
Here's Owen "racing" in the back yard. He runs back and forth, back and forth like this and sometimes invites me to race with him. I just like the way kids his age run. There's a reason they're called "toddlers."

We set up the sprinkler for Drew and Owen to run through. They didn't really do much running through it, so we had to trick them. After all, what fun is playing in the sprinkler if you don't get wet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree about toddlers--they're so fun to watch toddling aloong. (Sorry about my typos--can't backspace.) Anyway, cute videos!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers