11 August 2008

Feelin' Lazy

I caught a little bit of Olympic Fever this year! I've been watching the swimming and gymnastics, and today I hope to catch the diving. The boys have had fun watching with me, too. Drew even came up with his own little chant: "Oo ess aay! Oo ess aay! Ess ess aay! Oo ess aay!"
Watching the Olympics has been a fantastic relief from watching The Brave Little Toaster (or The Gravy Little Toaster as Owen calls it), but it's making me wax a bit nostalgic about my own days of athletic prowess. Well, maybe prowess is too strong a word. But I was a pretty good athlete in high school. As with most of my high school career, though, I probably could have been a lot better if I'd tried harder. I think it drove my coaches crazy that I settled for "pretty good" when I could have been "very good" or even "great." My main agenda back then was to have fun, though. And I had plenty, so mission accomplished!
Watching the Olympics is also making me feel a bit lazy. Here I am watching all this TV when I could be out running or playing or something (at least I could be cleaning the house!). So I guess that's what I'm gonna go do now.
Left: Me, as a Sophomore, doing a back dive at State. Right: Laura Wilkinson shows what the Pike position should really look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you were great! I can't think of anyone I'd rather watch diving than you. It was always such a thrill to be in the bleachers thinking--and sometimes bragging aloud--"There's my girl!"

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