12 August 2008

Some Randomness For Your Tuesday

When I sat down at the computer to check my email about 15 minutes ago, Drew freaked out. He started yelling incoherently something about going upstairs and not using the computer. Then Owen turned on the TV and asked to watch Wubbzy. I told him no, because I was planning on checking my email, paying a bill or two and going back upstairs to clean some more. The TV just happened to be on PBS, and Teletubbies just happened to be the program on air. My boys have never seen it before, and I don't really care for it (it just seems like a strange, pointless little show), but I appreciate that it bought me about a half hour to do whatever I want while they just sit enthralled, giggling at the TV. But the laughing sun? The one that's a baby's face? Kooky!
Here's my good news minute for the day: We're going to Detroit in April (Kadee, let's go to dinner or something)! A few months ago, David entered a drawing of sorts for NCAA Final Four tickets--basically, everyone who wanted tickets paid for them up front, then their name was entered into a drawing. If their name wasn't drawn, their money was refunded. We sort of forgot about it, but yesterday we got a letter from the NCAA Final Four people. David's name was drawn! Hooray! I'm not a humongous basketball fan, but when does anyone get a chance like this? (Well, obviously about 74,000 people get a chance like this, but I never thought I'd be one of them.) I'm actually not sure if I'll go to the games; David's dad sort of wants to go, and if he goes I'll have lots of time to bum around and shop and stuff. Either way, it's gonna be so fun!


Marissa said...

Teletubbies are a big thumbs down. NCAA final four? Awesome!! That will be lots of fun if you get to go even if you're not that into bball. And btw- I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new picture you have as your banner! Those 3 kids of yours in their little baskets are adorable. Samantha seriously is so beautiful! I love that picture.

Jennifer said...

Sweet, that will be fun. I am jealuos if you get to see Kadee. I don't I will ever make it out to Detriot to see her.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers