20 August 2008

A Picture Post

I have a container of coins sitting on the table in our entryway. One day I noticed it was feeling a little light. I figured Drew and Owen had done something with all that spare change, but it wasn't until a few days later that I figured out what.

I went out to get the mail and when I came back I noticed Owen looking through this little hole in our window screen (see the little circle around his left eye? That's the hole) that the cat started and the boys made worse. (This is a reenactment; it's not like I take my camera with me to get the mail.)

Suddenly the idea came to me to look down. There, on the ground below the window was all the change that had gone missing, along with some headphones, a marker and a few other random items.

David had been hounding me for a while to get some pictures of the kids to send to grandparents (I've been hounding him for a while to get a family photo, but he insists that the grandparents don't want to see us, just our kids). Here are some of the results from the photo shoot:

I got this cute picture of Samantha, but I wanted to see if I could get an even better one. I guess I was being greedy and she wasn't having it. She'd rather eat wormy apples off the ground than sit and smile.*

Drew sat really well for me and even smiled when I asked him to. Though, at first it was hard to get him to smile a more natural smile rather than the crazy grin that accompanies saying "cheese." Drew had seen Owen's photo shoot and wanted to do some silly shots as well.

Owen gave me more silly shots than non-silly, but I was able to get this really good one of him just smiling nicely. I had to tuck his hair behind his ears; I need to just cut it, but don't really have the courage or patience to deal with all the screaming.

*The phrase "sit and smile" gives me the giggles. Here's why:
This was my favorite brand of toilet paper in Thailand. Not that it was incredibly soft--it was about average, but just the name of it made me smile.


Unknown said...

Cute pictures! I also love the toliet paper advertisement as well. Your blog is so entertaining. Can't wait for more.

Kadee said...

Poking things out the window hole...that is really funny. Sounds like something my kids would do. They loved to send things down the garbage shoot at the old house.

Nurse Heidi said...

Sit and Smile...love it! Clever branding, I tell you. Plus I love the change receptacle. Hmmm, here's a hole. What should we do? I don't know - maybe stick stuff through it? Sounds like a good idea, Drew.

Nurse Heidi said...

I meant to add - that reminds me of the giant buried water tank behind our workshop at home. There's a small hole in the top that every single one of us is guilty of shoving rocks and sticks in. My dad never knew about that until a year or so ago when someone fessed up.

Lura said...

"Sit and Smile" cracks me up! I LOVE the first photo of Owen. It's a really good one. All the others are cute, too, of course, but that is my favorite.

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