01 February 2007

No News Is Good News

...or maybe it's just boredom. I haven't had a whole lot to write about lately, hence the lack of updates on the ol' blog here. So let's see if I can scrounge up enough stories and quips to make this at all interesting.
I did go to the meeting with the personal trainer last Friday. It was really fun and she gave me a good workout routine. It consists of squats, lunges, some triceps and bicep workout techniques, some crunches and some "Supermans" (I really can't decide if that should be "Supermen"...), which are the opposite of crunches, to work my lower back. I'm supposed to do the workouts twice a week. I have done them zero times, so far. I was set to go Tuesday, but the boys have nasty colds, so I didn't want to take them to the nursery at the gym and have them get all the other kids sick. Today is my other workout day, and it's not over yet, so hopefully I will get feeling like I can go; I've been a little "under the weather" lately (I love that phrase, even though it makes no sense to me).
Tax Season is upon us which, this year, means a new mattress perhaps, or new couches. I can't decide which; we definitely need all of the above (by need, I mean want, except in the case of the mattress, which we really do need), but we'd also like to put some money back into savings. There's a furniture store in town that's having a big sale, so we'll be able to get a pretty good deal on whatever we decide to buy.
We're going to Las Vegas next weekend. I'm so excited! I'm going to put $1 in a video poker machine and draw a royal flush on the first try and win $4,000. Then I can get new couches and a new mattress! And have leftovers for savings! This is the plan, anyway. I think what will really happen is we'll get up everyday before the crack of dawn to get in line at the bingo hall; we're going for David's grandpa's birthday, and bingo is his game. And he and Grandma have to be the 5th and 7th people in line, and they have to sit at a particular table, and have a certain number of cards... I guess they're a little superstitious. But I'm looking forward to it; haven't played bingo since high school, and I don't know how long it's been since I've played with numbers instead of history dates or elements from the periodic table so it should be fun.
I guess this is enough boredom for today. I'll try to do something exciting before my next post.

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