04 February 2007

My Funny Nephew

My nephew, Westley, turns 2 tomorrow. Happy Birthday! They had a birthday party for him yesterday, so the boys and I drove down to Logan to share in the festivities. Drew and Owen really enjoyed the cake and ice cream. Drew made his eating noise the whole time (MmmMmmMmm). I think Westley had a lot of fun, too, but I think he got a little over-excited and overwhelmed.* He was eating his cake, and he'd just let out a big ear-splitting scream then go right on eating. His mom would say, "No screaming, Westley," and he'd look like he was sorry, then a few minutes later he'd do it again... Then, while he was opening presents, something made him mad and he screamed and flung his present across the room and yelled, "No screaming! Go to time out!" I had to try hard not to laugh; I didn't want to upset him more or have him think I was laughing at him (I was). My brother said he'd already put himself in time out earlier. I guess it didn't work. Silly, silly.
Speaking of laughing at kids, this is one of my favorite stories; I hope Laura doesn't mind if I share (I hope I get it all correct, too): Laura's little sister Kathryn used to say some very funny things (she probably still does, but I haven't seen her for a while). So one time she said something funny, not really meaning to be funny, and everyone laughed. She got pretty upset and yelled, "Everything in this family is about me!" It always cracks me up when I think of that--especially since most little kids want everything to be about them.
Well, I guess I'll sign off; we're going to head over to the in-laws for a Super Bowl "party;" I think it will be Dave, the boys and me, and Dave's uncle there, besides the in-laws. So it sounds like a rockin' good time, and I need to go get ready. Go Colts!
*Is it possible to be just plain whelmed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I got your comment just now, and I quickly came over to "check you out" or your blog, I should say. Sorry to say though I can't stay for a moment as I have company coming and a sink full of dishes which are screaming at me at the top of their lungs at the moment. So I have to run. Just wanted to say, don't be shy! I LOVE having a sort of rapport going on with my fellow bloggers. I am looking for down to earth, share from your heart bloggers to link up with and to comment back and forth with. So glad you made yourself known to me. I do have to go now, or things will happen in my kitchen that aren't nice. :)


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