29 September 2008

Learning English

Drew and Owen have been cracking me up lately with the crazy things they say. I need to do better at writing things down as they say them, because I've already forgotten most of their phraseology.
They've also been sort of driving me crazy; they bicker so much! But a lot of the funny things they say come out during their quarrels. Here's the latest instance:
Me: Who scattered my papers everywhere?
Drew: Owen did it.
Owen: Drew did it.
Drew: Owen did.
Owen: Drew! I don't did! You did!
Owen: [at 6:20 p.m.] I'm just gonna lay down.
Me: I don't want you falling asleep.
Owen: Yes. I'm are gonna fall asleep. Okay, guys?
I'm drawing a huge blank as far as their other funny phrases go; too much dust in my brain from cleaning the garage today. But I'll type some more as I remember them, some other time.

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