16 September 2008

I'll Never Get Botox

We had a good soccer game today. Won one to zip! Our team actually played better than usual, too--at least, for the first half. We passed the ball (and even though not all the passes went where they were supposed to, the attempts were important because they were wearing the other team down) and we communicated with each other on the field. Good and important things that we don't usually do, but that always make a difference when we do.

The second half of the game didn't go as well for us. While we didn't let the other team score, we didn't put any points on the board either, and passing and talking sort of went out the window.

The last two minutes of the game were the worst for me. I was going toward the ball on defense. The other team's forward was also going toward the ball. I pulled up and meant to kick the ball between his legs, but he didn't pull up. Rather, he came at me full speed with his elbows up, slammed me in the face and knocked me to the ground. I landed flat on my back, but my legs flew threw the air so I did a sort of side-roll sommersault thing. I got up really quickly, and the guy asked, "Are you okay?" I was pretty ticked, but I said, "Yeah, I'm fine." I meant to keep playing because we had no girl subs, but my eyes were watering like crazy and my nose started running. I figured it was probably bleeding (it was) so I took myself out of the game and sat down. On my way off the field I heard one of the guys on my team yell at the other kid, "Aren't you going to say sorry?" To which the other kid replied, "She said she was okay." As if that made it all better. After the game was over one of the kids on my team walked over to the other player and said, "We're going to have a big problem if you don't go apologize to my teammate." It's nice to be part of a team.

My nose bled for about ten minutes and my lip was all swollen (the swelling has gone down quite a bit as I type this five hours later). I'm pretty sure I'll never get lip injections; I don't like the way it looks:

I don't like how my nose looks puffy on the left side (the right side in the picture), either.

1 comment:

abby's photo shoppe said...

Oh my! What a jerk! Even if you were ok he totally should have appologized!!! Are you still on the "Long" team? Just wondering on what I'm missiong out on. Hope all is well and your lip heals fast! Later,

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