30 April 2008

One and a Half Perfect Days

I just can't figure out the weather patterns here. I know being aware of the environment and one's own personal toll on it is important, but I'm starting to wonder about all those global warming claims. It has been much colder than usual (sure, it could just be a phase), and I'm seriously considering bustin' out the Aquanet and spraying some outside toward the ozone, just to get something going.

Monday was an absolutely gorgeous day. I took advantage of the warm sunshine to get some yard work done. Mowed the lawn (hadn't been done since last September, so it looked pretty bad even though it obviously doesn't grow during the winter), pulled some weeds, gave the tulips a drink.

Later in the day, the boys and I went for a "walk to the hills," as the boys call it. There's an area not too far from our house where we can let Vito out to run while the boys and I walk up and down the dirt road. It's great exercise for the boys, and the uneven ground helps improve their balance. I should probably start running up there rather than just walking.

[top left] Samantha loves going for walks in the hills, too. Notice her left foot is bare; she started out with two socks but when we back got to the car she only had one... Oh, well. [top right] Owen is giving Drew a "flower." It was really a peice of sagebrush that he plucked from the bush. [below left] The steeper the hill, the better for Drew and Owen. I decided to stop here rather than go all the way to the top because I forgot Samantha's carrier and my arms were getting tired. [below right] Owen and Vito. Notice Vito's big ol' grin. He gets soooo excited when we take him for a run in the hills 'cause he doesn't have to have a leash.

Yesterday was beautiful until about 2 p.m. I had to babysit the neighbor kids while their mom was in class. We all went outside and played, and David took them for a ride in his Camero. They loved that. Even Drew went for a ride, which was amazing because usually every time he sees it he says, "I'm scared Camero." I guess he's not scared anymore.

Around 2 p.m. the clouds rolled in and the wind picked up and cooled things down. It's like Mother Nature knows we have soccer and doesn't want us to enjoy it. Thankfully, the wind stopped shortly after our game started, and the clouds provided cover from the sun so we didn't roast out there.
We have another soccer game tonight, and of course the weather is simply horrible. I looked outside this morning and saw dark grey clouds and the trees practically bending in the wind. My thermometer said it was 38 degrees. Brrr! Hopefully it will warm up or the wind will stop (or both) before our game tonight!


Anonymous said...

Our dog, Lobo, and AShlyn both love it when we go to the in-laws, wide open spaces to run, no fences stopping them.

Anonymous said...

Our dog, Lobo, and AShlyn both love it when we go to the in-laws, wide open spaces to run, no fences stopping them.

abby's photo shoppe said...

I love that you took them all out and that it was WARM ENOUGH!!! Hope your soccer game went well. I still can't get over your "flopper" post. So so so so true.

Anonymous said...

I work with a lady who has a son named Owen. She comes on my blog and I told her about your blog. She has two small boys and is due to have her third in September. I think she would find your blog interesting.

Your kids are so cute, Samantha looks like she is growing so fast! The boys too!

My dog, Sophie, enjoys it when I come out to play with her and it was too cold for me to go outside last night for a romp around the yard and she laid down after I fed her and just looked depressed. I felt so bad for her, but it needs to warm up a bit in the evenings.

And, I agree with you 100%..where is all this global warming they keep talking about? If you think about it..you don't hear so much about as you used to. I heard recently said that Global Warming has been the biggest scam ever. I believe the quote was made by the fellow who started up the Weather Channel. Lot's of food for thought on that one..huh?

Kadee said...

Looks like you had a great time romping in the hills. I gave up for awhile on Benjamin's shoes and socks. I got a lot of comments in the dead of winter when he had no shoes or socks on, but really it was a hopeless situation.

Sabrina said...

Amen to the "Global Warming" issue! I heard it pointed out that if the weathermen can't accurately predict the weather 2 days in advance, why are we putting so much faith in their 50 and 80 year predictions?? It's been a chilly spring here, too. I'm ready for summer!

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