01 January 2008

Happy New 'Ear

Whew! 2008 already! Boy, do I feel old. I remember feeling old eight years ago at the turn of the century/millennium. Here's what I remember of that particular New Year: We got up at about 4 in the morning on January 1, 2000 (I think that's why December 31, 1999 is no longer in my memory) to drive to Salt Lake to send Andy off on his mission. We were saying goodbye at the airport (back when walking your party to the gate was still allowed). Roz and I had some awesome glow-in-the-dark glasses that were nothing more than the numbers 2000. You look through the middle 0's; the other numbers just stick out off the side of your face. I think we actually got them from Andy. The missionaries got on the plane and I told Andy's Spanish-speaking companion, "Vaya con Dios." He was duly impressed. Then Mom, Roz and I went to Denny's to eat breakfast and hang out 'til the mall opened.
This year we had a good celebration. We went over to hang out with the kids' other "Grandparents," the Longs. David is kind of their adopted son, and Drew and Owen call them Mama and Papa, just like the rest of the grandparents. We played the XBox version of "Scene It" which is way more fun than the DVD/board game version. We ate chicken wings and lots of candy, and then at midnight we lit off some fireworks. Drew and Owen didn't have a nap at all on New Year's Eve, and they still stayed up til half-past midnight. They were absolutely wired. They had loads of fun, and crashed when we got home.
Christmas was a lot of fun, too. I think Owen got to the point where it was too much fun, but he made it through. On Christmas Eve, David's family came over for dinner and present opening. There was so much stuff. The in laws had gotten new bedding for everyone; sheets, pillows, blankets. They got so many toy cars and trucks for the boys that we had to empty out the toy box and put all the old toys away just so there would be room for the new ones. Drew and Owen don't sound at all spoiled, do they? After a while of opening presents and yelling, "Awesome!" (the boys learned that from their cousins), Owen had enough. He ran and hid behind the chair and wouldn't come out. We tried to coax him with presents, to which he replied, "No want presents. No want car. No want shirt." Christmas morning, though, he must've been feeling much better. I got him out of his crib and he ran into the living room yelling, "Ready Santa Clause! Presents!"
I had a lot of fun getting my surprise presents ready for everyone and seeing them open them. I got David an electronic Texas Hold'em set--just plug it into the TV and play; no shuffling cards or dealing. The boys got him a book on how to win at Texas Hold'em. The strategy doesn't work very well with the electronic game, though, because there isn't real money at stake so people will play every hand even if it's a bad one (this is what I'm told, anyway; I really know next to nothing about the game). David wasn't exactly surprised that he got the game and the book, because he'd asked for them, but he was surprised that they arrived in time for Christmas. I (I mean, Santa) also surprised Roz with a book and a stocking full of goodies. And I finished re-covering her baby journal, a project I'd had on the shelf for years. She came to spend the holiday with us, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting anything, but of course Santa found her, even at our house! I had a lot of fun playing Santa's Helper this year, and getting presents ready. We got the boys a little garage for their toy cars, which they really enjoy. Even Samantha likes the little suction cup toy we got to put on her swing tray.
It's been a really fun holiday season. I'm still giddy from all the excitement.


Nurse Heidi said...

I'm amazed your boys stayed up all the way to midnight! Boy oh boy. HOpefully they slept nicely for you the next day... Sounds like you had a great Christmas with lots of good old fashioned spoiling of the children, which is what it's all about, really, isn't it?!?

Anonymous said...

You didn't mention the part where I was so tired that I fell asleep on the bench at Denny's and got crusty looks from the waitress - *teehee* I can't believe that was 8 years ago!! And yes, I was very surprized by the gifts and stocking. Thanks, Santy! :)

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