10 January 2008

Something Unexpected

We've tried so many different methods to get Owen to keep his diaper on during naps. We put a few safety pins on his shirt and attached it to his pants. He some how got them all open and got his pants and diaper off anyway. We tried a Onesie. Then a Romper. They worked for a while, but recently he figured out how to unsnap them and access his diaper. And he's so proud of himself, too.
The other day I put the boys down for a nap. After about an hour of jumping in their cribs and laughing, Drew fell asleep. Then Owen came walking out of his room, holding up his shirt revealing a bare lower half and said, "Diaper off, Mom!" David and I both looked at each other like, "Did you let him out?" Apparently he's something of an escape artist. Not only does he foil all parental attempts to secure his diaper, he can now get out of his crib quietly without anyone knowing. I since put a doorknob cover on the door; if he figures that out, I don't know what we'll do.
David and I actually asked Owen to show us how he gets out of his crib. He looked at us like, "Is this a trap?" But after a little encouragement (probably not the best idea, although, I don't think he's climbed out since), he finally showed us. I didn't think to get my camera until he was half-way out, and the video turned out really dark, so I'll have to see if I can get him to recreate it--for posterity's sake.

Drew is doing a lot better, as far as the Terrible Drews go. He hasn't had nearly as many meltdowns as of late, and I can't remember the last time he fell on the floor kicking and screaming. Well, actually, I can remember what was going on with him at the time; he had a horrible diaper rash (turned out to be yeast of some kind). I applied cream four times a day, and within a couple weeks it was gone, and so were most of the tantrums. He's so much more fun now. If I ask him to do something, he'll say, "Okay," in his most chipper voice and run and do what I asked him. Most of the time, anyway... I'll have to post a video of the little dance he does. The name of it changes, depending on what he's doing. Today it was the "Marshmallow Mateys Dance" and the "Basketball Game Dance" (we went to an ISU game with Grandpa tonight).

Samantha is waxing chubby. I'm finding it tricky to keep her neck folds clean, and today I noticed the insides of her elbows are foldy and need cleaning, too. She hasn't been feeling well, lately, either. I think she's an early teether. She also has a cold which is making it hard for her to eat. Our friend Toni watched her while we were at the game. Of course Toni didn't complain, but I get the impression that Samantha didn't let Toni put her down.

I borrowed this idea from Marissa's blog: Her adorable little girl, Joselyn, has a pink elephant that's bigger than she is (than Joselyn, that is). It makes a fun way to measure growth. Samantha has a cute fuzzy cow (thanks, Aunt Jen!) that makes a fun measuring tool, too. And she likes to eat its nose. Here is the first (and the second) of the monthly pictures I will be submitting all you blog-readers to:

She can only sit up straight for so long...

And here are some random pictures of Drew and Owen being their silly selves:

On the left: Drew is making his favorite Serious Face. He makes that little face, then he gives me the tiniest little smirk as if to say, "Did you think I was serious?"

On the right: Notice Owen's "shoes." He has such a shoe fetish. Usually, though, he tries on actual shoes. Mine, or his dad's, or Grandma's. This time, he's wearing the stacker rings that cousin Jimmy gave Samantha for Christmas. He even tried to wear them to bed.


Marissa said...

I used to babysit for these toddlers (hey, they were actually twins too!) who wouldn't keep their diapers on. Guess what THEIR mom did? Duct tape. Yep. And it worked. She wrapped the tape all around their waste portion of the diaper. I thought it was funny... but out of desperation us parents will do pretty much anything that works, huh?

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Anonymous said...

I like Owens shoes. Ashlyn loves shoes as well, but she likes to use the stacker rings as braclets, I guess that's a difference between boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

When Naomi was 2 and bit years old she used to change her own diapers. She'd wander off and poop, take off the diaper, stash it somewhere and then wipe herself. She actually started this just after Eleanor was born. I spent SO MANY hours cleaning poop off our carpet! Ellie has recently started removing her diaper at all times. With both girls I have taken the diaper removal as a sign to start, ever so slowly, potty training. I know most moms aren't fans of the little potties you have to empty into the big one, but we have one and if Eleanor insists on walking around sans diaper we bring the potty too. She runs and sits on it and practices. Every time she sits on it she yells out "Look! One little teeny drop!" Translation: no luck this time. So far we have had more accidents (only 2) than actual pee on the potty, but she's getting the process down. I love the pics! Samantha is getting so big and cute!

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