19 January 2008

Three Days in the Making

I've started three posts to get these few little stories recorded, and have not been able to finish one of them. So hopefully with a bit of cut and paste from my other posts, I'll be able to get this posted before the boys come interrupt. Luckily, Aunt Roz is here to help distract them.
The boys were so excited when they heard Roz was coming. Owen said, "Roz come soon home." I decided I should start teaching the boys another language; they already use the same grammar forms--adjectives after nouns and things like that.
The kids and I made a late night Wal*Mart run the night before last. I was totally unprepared for how cold it was. The boys were wearing long sleeve shirts, so I thought they'd be okay with jackets over. They weren't. Samantha had her Easter Bunny suit on, and when I realized her blanket didn't make it from the house to the car, I thought, "Oh, she'll be okay." She'd have been better with the blanket.
I bought the boys some gloves at Wal*Mart because their poor little fingers were bright red by the time we got from the car to the store (and we even had a relatively close parking space). Owen sort of wore his gloves in the store; he had put them on himself, so they weren't really on. I straightened them out when we left the store, and they must have helped, because he didn't want to take them off when we got home. He ran away every time I said, "Let's take off your gloves and get ready for bed." I finally rounded him up, and sort of jokingly asked, "Are you going to wear the gloves to bed?" He said, "Yep." I just let him keep them on, figuring he'd probably take them off during the night (he takes off the rest of his clothes, why not the gloves?). When I went to wake the boys up the next morning, he still had those gloves on. I finally just grabbed them and stuck them in his pocket so he could eat breakfast. He cried for half a minute, then got over it.
Drew has been totally cracking me up lately. He's been so cheerful (most of the time) lately, and he's been pretty good about playing nicely and sharing toys. Here are some conversations I overheard recently between Drew and Owen:
Owen: Ouch!
Drew: Careful, Owen. You okay? [hands Owen something] Here 'ou go.
Owen: Thanks.
Drew: You welcome!
Drew and Owen were doing a little wooden picture puzzle.
Drew: Where's it go, Owen? Right here? No.... There! Good job, Owen!
This is a conversation Drew and I had the other night:
Drew: A sleepy bird.
Me: What? A sleepy bird?
Drew: Yeah.
Me: What bird?
Drew: A sleepy one.


abby's photo shoppe said...

I love the things they think and the fac that they are now able to communicate them to us. Love the conversations! LOVE THEM!

abby's photo shoppe said...

fact.... fact is what I meant to type.........

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