23 October 2007

Uncooperative Kids

Thanks, everyone for the toilet training advice! There were a lot of good ideas for me to mull over. I think I'm going to wait a while to really start the training, and for now I'll not press the issue. This evening, I noticed Drew sitting in the cupboard below the kitchen sink (nothing strange in and of itself). He was grunting a little and his face was red, so I asked him if he wanted to sit on the toilet. He got all excited, and ran to the bathroom. But once on the toilet, he did nothing. Just sat. But we had a little "conversation" about the bodily functions, so I figure at the very least, he's getting used to the concept. When Owen is given the opportunity to sit on the toilet, he generally declines, and Drew, overhearing us talk about it, always wants to have a go at it. And it's fine; we'll just leave it at this for a while.

I've been trying to get some pictures of the kiddies that I can put on my mantle. The ones I have of the boys have been up there for about a year and a half, so they're pretty out-dated. Samantha was actually fairly cooperative and these are the pictures I got of her.

Owen does okay for portrait-y pictures, but when he's doing something clever, he won't let me get a picture of it. For example, tonight he was walking around my room with my belt draped over his shoulders, wearing my shoes (on the wrong feet) and Vito's empty water dish on his head. And gross as the dog dish was, he just looked so darn cute. So I dashed to get the camera, and as soon as I got it turned on and was about to snap the picture, he dropped everything and just smiled demurely for me. But this is the closest thing to portrait shot I've gotten.

Drew seems to make the same face in every single picture. It cracks me up, but I also wish he would act more natural and less "cheesey." He's much cuter than this in real life. (that's Cousin Westley in the background)

Here are some random photos of all the fun we've been having around here lately:

Drew loves the glasses.
Owen loves the glasses.

Samantha doesn't love the glasses quite as much. Sorry, Drew. Maybe when she's a little bigger...

All the boys hanging out in the emergency pop-up tent. it's called the emergency pop-up tent, because we only bring it out when we absolutely can't think of anything else to do and everyone is going crazy ('cause it's a pain in the butt to put away).

"Just try to tell me that I'm too big for this exersaucer..." --Drew


Sabrina said...

I love the pictures! You're little boys are just so darn cute. I'll bet Thomas would have a fabulous time playing with them - boys after his mischevious little heart!

Nurse Heidi said...

Those are way fun pictures. I can't believe those boys are already two. It seems like just yesterday that they were born.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers