24 April 2007

Too Big For My Britches

Who invented Maternity Chic? I mean, who decided that a bulging belly is not enough of a sign that a woman is pregnant and that said woman needs a shirt with pink rhinestones that spell out "Baby" or something equally silly and redundant?? All I want is a shirt (and perhaps some pants) that fits. I don't need the glitter or the little embroidered stork (I never believed that myth anyway), and I certainly don't need any shirt that says, "Does this make me look fat?" or "Fragile: Precious Cargo." That's all I will say about that.
Maybe some of you have heard of our on-going battle with the boys and the dog food. We've resorted to putting the dog's food and water dishes up on the counter when Drew and Owen are on the loose, and I feel kind of bad for the dog; I worry that he'll get dehydrated or something. Today I left his dishes on the floor, hoping that maybe, just maybe, the boys would leave them alone and Vito could eat and drink. Well, Owen beat him to it. Owen came out of his playroom today with a little orange cup, of the kind that nest and stack, dipped it in the dog's water and took a drink. He's not very good at using regular cups, so he kind of sputtered a little, which is how I discovered what he was up to. I looked over at him, his little eyes watering, water running down his chin, soaking his shirt. He looked back at me and said, "Mmmm." I just had to laugh. And move the dog's dishes back onto the counter.
Drew has learned how to say uh-oh. I guess most kids learn it when they're a lot younger; I heard my friend's little ten-month-old say it the other day. It's not a word I ever really use, though, so I don't know where Drew picked it up. Probably in nursery. He says it more like, "Oh-ho," and he makes the cutest little face when he says it. He was in his playroom this morning as I was cleaning up breakfast and I heard him saying, "Oh-ho, oh-ho, oh-ho" over and over. I'm not sure what he was doing, but he was having fun.
Our church is having a spaghetti dinner and cake auction tomorrow, as a fundraiser for the young men and young women to go to camp this summer. I heard that last year, some of the cakes went for over $100! I can't really shell out that kind of dough, but I can donate some batter... I decided to make a cake to auction off. It's going to be a Candyland cake, patterned after the board game. I'll post a picture of it. I went to the bakery to see if I could buy a plain cake to decorate myself, wanting to save a little time baking, and they charge the same price for a plain one as they do for a decorated one! How ridiculous! So I'll just make my own. I did have to buy a pan, 'cause I didn't have one big enough, but even with that investment I'm saving money. And the pan will come in handy for birthday parties and future events. This is how I'm justifying the purchase. It's for the children! ;)

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