11 March 2007

I Thought I Was So On Top of Things!

Woke up at a good hour today, felt refreshed. Got the boys up, fed them, clothed them, everything went so smoothly. Patted myself on the back for having everyone ready for church on time. Got to church just as they were finishing the song and saying the prayer. After the prayer, everyone got up and left! I was so confused! I thought maybe they were doing something different today; mixing it up a little... Went and asked my friend Brenda what was going on. She said, "Well, we're at church. The first hour is over so we're separating for classes." More confusion for me: "Doesn't church start at 11 o'clock?" Brenda's starting to get confused: "Yes, it does. It's noon already." *light bulb!* I totally forgot that they moved that stinking Daylight Savings Time up three weeks. Darn those rich businessmen!* So I was an hour late for church. Despite having slept well, I was feeling a bit sick this morning, so I almost skipped the first hour of church (on purpose). Good thing I didn't, or I would've been two hours late, and there wouldn't have been anyone to help in the nursery! Oi! Crazy, crazy. But I guess it all worked out, and made for some good laughs for Brenda and me.
*David's grandma is convinced that Daylight Savings Time was set up by rich businessmen so they can go golfing before they go to work. It could be; golf was invented in 1744, and Benjamin Franklin was probably just old enough to hold a club...


heiresschild said...


i'm here via ellie's blog. this was so funny, but i'm glad you only missed one hour of church and made it in time for the nursery.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Marissa Noe... better known to you as Sister Kravetz! I just thought I'd stop by and I read your entry.... funny thing is the same thing happened to me and Adam. :)

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