29 March 2007

My New Hairdo

I went and got my hair cut today. I think it had been almost a year since I last got it cut, which is a horrible thing to do to one's hair. It was so damaged, I couldn't even comb it without getting my comb stuck in a nest of snarls. So off it went. Not completely; just the damaged parts. Which were many. I also got a little brave and got myself some bangs, which I haven't had since the sixth grade. I kind of like them. They make me feel girly. And since I didn't cut them myself, they go down past my eyebrows. A little bonus. The best thing about it, though, was when I got home and David said, "I thought you went to get your haircut." Men.
Here is a little

and After:

*Posed by model


Anonymous said...

I love it! Now, post your REAL picture!

heiresschild said...

i love the new "do." i can do my own trim of my ends, but if i want a cut, i have to go let someone else do it. yeah, i agree with mom, post your real picture. *lol*

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers