10 March 2007


I found a link to a really cool personality test today. I liked it because it didn't lump me into one broad category; it narrowed things down, but also gave me the option to fit more than one type of personality. I am a INFP, which is an Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeler and Perceptive all rolled into one. I'm actually just borderline on some of those traits, and some of my answers seemed to contradict other answers. Maybe I have some kind of split personality...
I'd like to have David take this test for himself; I took it for him, based on how I perceive him, and according to my answers for him, he is my exact opposite: ESTJ (Extrovert, Sensor, Thinker, Judge). Maybe that's why we fit together so well: "opposites attract!"
Anyway. I just thought I'd share this link for anyone who wants to get to know themselves better or just have a little silly fun--however you want to view it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

abby's photo shoppe said...

This is a random comment but I am requesting that you tell me a story with the word "ferver" in it again. Because your stories rock!

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