26 March 2007

Another Stumbling Drunkard

My little Drewbie finally decided to start walking. It was so strange. He's been watching Owen walk (and fall) for months now, and he just never seemed very interested in trying it himself. And then suddenly, last Tuesday, he just stood up and walked across the kitchen. And he's been walking ever since (unless he falls, in which case he crawls to his destination and then tries walking again to get to the next place). He looks so funny when he walks. He keeps his legs and back so stiff, and he holds his hands up in the air for balance, and crosses his fingers (for luck?). I guess he doesn't look so much like a stumbling drunk, but more like a drunk who's trying to act sober.
I guess since the title of my blog involves my kids, and that's really what the whole blog is about, I will continue with talking about Drew and Owen:
They crack me up. They are learning lots of "words," but all the words sound pretty much the same. For example, if they say, "Naa" it could mean any of the following: snack, banana, no (though that is usually pronounced "neee"). If they say "Daaa" it could mean Dad, down, what's that, over there, or pretty much anything else. It's the catch-all word. "Mum" means some or more. (they don't really say "mom" yet; all they have to do to get my attention is cry). And the other day, Drew started chanting, "Ashes, ashes!" So I assumed he wanted to play "Ring Around the Rosie" and now he and Owen walk around the house yelling, "Ashes, ashes, Daaa!" and then they sit down. It's very amusing.
So that's that. I think 12 to 18 months is what a lot of people refer to as the "Golden Age," when kids are really fun and don't throw a whole lot of tantrums yet. I'd like it better if there were no diapers involved, but it is a fun age for Drew and Owen and me.


Anonymous said...

Just reading about your kids makes me smile and completely makes my day! It's really handy for kids to use words with several meanings--that way they can say so much more without having to wait til they learn all the rest of the words. So, had you taught them Ring-around-the-rosies before Drew said "Ashes!"?

Heathie said...

We play Ring-around-the-rosies in nursery, but I didn't think Drew was really paying attention. He did join in last Sunday, though, now that he knows how to play and he thought it was great fun, especially with all the "big" kids playing, too.

That Chick Over There said...

More twins! I heart twins! :)

I LOVED the age that your boys are at now. It was awesome. Then it got slightly less awesome and then when they were four it became awesome again and has stayed awesome ever since! :)

Anonymous said...

What a nice post. You really love your babies and it really came out in this one! I remember back to when my babies started walking, both of them were 15 months old! I thought they would NEVER walk! lol, but once they did it was an awesome experience. It is amazing what these little ones can do to our hearts, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That is what me and Julie did, one of us did all the hard work while the other watched and learned. When one of us (I think Julie) was done observing she gave it a go, and had no problem walking. We kept it up in school too, which is why we were never allowed to have a class together, only one would pay attention to the teacher while the other did whatever we wanted.

heiresschild said...

they are so adorable at that age. i have an 18-month old granddaughter. my daughter called me last nite (lives in california) and said my grandaughter just made her 1st potty. it's a musical potty, and afterwards she danced to the music.

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