01 January 2007

...Those Who Can't Play, Heckle

Or so I'm led to believe by the punks sitting behind us at the Humanitarian Bowl game in Boise last night. These kids had smart-aleky comments for every play. Most of their comments are not ones I wish to put on my blog; I try to keep this as clean as I can.
It was a good game. Bitter cold, though; thank goodness for the ladies' room. Amy and I spent our half-time in there huddled around a 2' x 3' space heater (sorry, marching bands; all your practice and I wasn't there to watch your half-time show). We had it to ourselves until one of the 15 ladies huddled around the other one realized there were two heaters in the room. Then we had to share. We left instead.
I was the designated driver on the way home; not because anyone was drunk--Boise State has a no alcohol policy, much to the annoyance of some in our party (but I wouldn't want to know what the dudes behind us would've been like drunk. They were bad enough as it was). David and Amy were tired so they slept while I drove. And while I "celebrated" the New Year. It went something like this:
[David's watch chimes at midnight, he turns off the alarm]
Heather: Happy New Year!! [pokes David's arm to wake him up]
David: Unnggmm. [shifts in his seat, still isn't actually awake]
Amy: [wakes up five minutes later] Did I snore?
Happy New Year, everyone! Hope your holiday season was great!

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