09 January 2007

Stumble Around Like a Drunkard

Yay! Owen is finally walking! He can now stand up by himself, without holding on to anything. The other day he was waddling around the living room a few feet at a time then he'd fall, stand up, stumble a few more feet, fall again, repeat the whole process; and he was giggling with glee the whole time. It was so cute. So now he walks around quite a bit (unless he's in a hurry, in which case crawling is still faster for him). He enjoys trying to catch Vito, who just has to side-step to get out of Owen's way; Owen hasn't gotten to turning yet--can't break up the momentum...
There are rumors that Drew took a couple steps: Dave and I went to the gym and left the boys at our friends' house. They said that while we were gone Drew took a couple steps on his own, realized he was walking and promptly sat back down. So I guess he'll get it eventually. But he does love to walk if I hold his hands. He laughs like crazy and tries to run. He, like Owen, is very cute.
In unrelated news: I had been making some jokes about working in the nursery at church; things like, I'll never be asked to do that--I'm no good at it, not patient enough, et cetera. Well, it would seem that when we say things about not having any patience, God gives us opportunities to develop said patience. I started working in the nursery yesterday, and will probably be in there every Sunday for a long time. Hopefully no more than a year...
On the plus side, I don't have to try to keep Drew and Owen quiet for three hours, and we get to have graham crackers and Pepperidge Farm Goldfish about half-way through church so we don't get hungry (and we don't have to feel bad about eating in front of others; all the 1 1/2 to 3 year olds get to eat with us)!

1 comment:

abby's photo shoppe said...

Owen is walking!!!! Yeah! Now get used to hearing EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE say that "you're in a whole new ballgame now!" and so forth with the annoying comments about how now that they are walking they'll be into even more stuff. I am excited for you though. I loved watching Brigham walk around like he was drunk, is drunk. He's still a little unsteady and it's great entertainment! And good luck with the nursery calling. I actually loved my calling to the nursery so don't knock it too much. The snacks are deeelish! Have a good one and talk to you later!

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