24 June 2008

Bedtime Schmedtime

I haven't been running lately. My running partner was on vacation last week and apparently I don't have enough motivation to go by myself.
Since I haven't been getting up at 7 a.m. this week*, I've been staying up a couple hours later. The night before last I stayed up til 2 a.m. reading. Then I watched a little TV. I've been fascinated by the medical mystery shows on Discovery Channel lately. There was a lady who had a 200 lb tumor. This lady normally weighed about 120 pounds. It took 18 hours of surgery to remove it. It was incredible. So of course I had to watch it.
I woke up at 9:30 yesterday morning, which is too early when you stay up til 2:30. Normally I do great with 7 hours of sleep, but it requires going to bed before midnight. All day long I was dragging and tired and couldn't get myself to do more than fold some laundry. Didn't put it away.
Then, when bedtime rolled around, I got a sudden burst of energy. "I should clean the kitchen. And the bathroom. And mop the floor," I thought. So I did it. It took almost three hours, so once again I got to bed after 2 a.m. Turns out bedtime is a great time to clean. It's nice and cool, and there are no little interruptions like, "Mom! I peed on the floor!" or "I'm feeding Vito!" (This involves getting a cup of dog food out of the cupboard, dumping half of it on floor on the way over, then dumping it into his dish. But usually they miss the food dish and it ends up in the water dish.)
It was really nice to get everything done with no interruptions, and even though 9:30 came way too early this morning, it was really really nice to wake up to a clean kitchen!
*I actually have been waking up at 7 every morning, just because I've gotten used to it, but I usually think, "Unnnnnggggg. No runnnnnn," and go right back to sleep.


Kadee said...

You get to sleep in until 9:30?! I'm jealous.

Nurse Heidi said...

Seriously...9:30??? All your kids sleep that late?? I'm sitting here at 7:15 and feeling amazed that Katie's not up yet. Usually she's awake by the time I get back from my run at 6:30!

And for the record, whenever Jen bails on me in the morning, I'm not motivated enough to go on my own at 5:30 either. I crawled back into bed yesterday and relished the extra hour and a half of sleep.

Anonymous said...

I often do a midnight cleaning session when I wake up at 2am WIDE awake (.)(.) and can't get black to sleep. It feels so good to get things done with no interruptions and no deadlines!

Jennifer said...

Your kids sleep until 9:30, what a lucky girl. I am lucky if Ashlyn will slepp until 8:00

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