14 March 2008

Samantha's First Bouncing

We got these Bungee Bouncers at the Spring Fair a couple years ago when Drew and Owen were babies. They absolutely loved them.
Tonight, as I was sitting in front of her swing, Samantha kept kicking my leg making the swing go. She giggled and squawked so I thought maybe she'd like to try out the bouncer. She also loved it. Here's the proof:
The video was cut short by Drew climbing on my arm. Here's why it's such a classic amateur video: it's a little dark and if you listen closely, you can hear Pa Grape (from Veggie Tales) reminding kids to share their doughnuts.

I can't get enough of her extra chins and chubby elbows...

The original Bungee Bouncer Boy. I don't know why I have no photos of Owen bouncing; I have some sideways videos* but that's all I can find. And he loved bouncing even more than Drew did.
*I took the video while holding the camera vertically, thinking after I uploaded the image, I could just flip it to be right-side-up. But apparently it doesn't work that way.


abby's photo shoppe said...

I love that video. I have missed so much of Samantha. It is easy to forget that she isn't just a teeny baby anymore. And on the pictures... you are right! That little chubby fold on her elbow is to die for. I want to (as we call it at home) mummm mumm mummm on it with my lips. I hope that doesn't sound weird.... ok then.............................
Wish we were closer.

Anonymous said...

Ashlyn loved to jump also until she figured out that when I put her in the jumper, I would disappear for a while, like long enough to shower, then she would cry when I put her in there. Guess I should have put her in more while I was around.

Adam ....with Nicole and Rainny said...

Wow dawg!

Samantha's a little chunk! So cute! I can't believe you already have three.

Well, now that I know about this blog, I'll be a frequent visitor....and the Brian Regan and Hedberg links! Ha! I've got all of their stuff on cd now, and I listen to it all the time!

Anyway, I've got to write a blog post. Holla!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers