11 August 2007

My 100th Post!

Wow, does this make me a Blogger veteran? Probably not, and that's OK, because that wasn't my goal when I started blogging, anyway. All these posts have helped me keep track of important things that have happened; I'm horrible at writing things in a diary or journal--typing is just so much easier. So I'm right on track with my never-ending goal.
Today has been pretty eventful for me. I got all my laundry finished (I had about a month's worth piled up, and I did it all today and yesterday)--folded an put away, even. I pulled a ton of weeds out of our back yard and a few more out of our driveway. I cleaned my room (there were lots of crayons strewn across my floor for some reason, and the place really needed a good vacuuming, which it got). I tidied my kitchen (I had done the bulk of the cleaning yesterday, but there was the usual post-meal cleaning that needed to be done. I'll never understand where all the dirt comes from; I've swept the kitchen floor at least eight times today and I think it needs it again). I even watched some football (this game involved the Pittsburgh Steelers--our favorite team--and the New Orleans Saints). This day of mine probably sounds boring to most, but I felt quite good about all that I accomplished because usually a "good day" for me involves not staying in my pajamas all day, and that's about it.
Today was also eventful for Drew, who said his first "sentence*." It went like this: "Wow bob! Cheese Owen!" He had just given Owen a piece of cheese and was congratulating himself. "Wow bob" means "good job," and he says it a lot after he does something he thinks is good.
David's Grandma is doing a lot better, too. I heard that yesterday she was coherent enough to ask for some water, and ask where Grandpa was, and to ask that her hands be untied (they had been tied to the bed so she wouldn't rip out her IV again). Today, she actually opened her eyes, and a physical therapist helped her stand and get into a chair. She was able to eat ice chips and drink water. The doctor said they'll probably be able to move her out of ICU pretty soon.
It's a good end to a crazy week!
*I guess, technically, Drew has been saying "sentences" for a while. He has two favorites that he uses a lot: "What is that?" is the preferred distraction sentence, which he uses when trying to get out of trouble or if he's in an uncomfortable situation. "No know is" (which means, "I don't know where it is") is his answer whenever I ask him where something is, even if that something is right in front of him.
Owen's sentences are "No know" and "No more." He says "No more" after he does something he's not supposed to, or if Drew or I do something that makes him mad.


Sabrina said...

Wow, that's a BIG accomplishment to get all the laundry done and catch up on housework. All with two little "helpers" running underfoot, too! I can seriously appreciate how much work that is since I feel like I spend all of my time trying to clean up the house with 4 helpers running around...it can get a bit discouraging.

Glad to hear that Grandma is doing better. What a scary, weird accident to have happen. I hope she gets to go home soon!
Your cousin, Sabrina

Anonymous said...

Where did all that energy come from?? You're not delivering early are you? I used to get a burst of energy just before my babies were due to come. It's a handy phenomenon...

I'm glad Dave's grandma is better--sounds like she's made quite a lot of progress.

The prettiest face is the one in the middle! I think all the movie stars should say, "Lucky me! I look like Heather Canfield!"

Heathie said...

Sabrina, good to see you on here! I usually do the bulk of housework while little boys are napping; I don't know what I'll do when they grow out of naps--hopefully they'll be in school by then.

Mom, I hope I'm not delivering early! I need as much time as I can get to prepare!

Nurse Heidi said...

Sounds like someone is nesting, nesting, nesting!!!!

I get such a kick out of what your boys say. I'm determined to post like that for Katie because I really didn't with my bigger kids and wish I had now.

Glad that Dave's Grandma is doing better!

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