27 October 2006

Eat Like a Bird

...And by that, I mean eat your body weight in food every day.
We went to the Doc yesterday, for Drew & Owen's one-year check up. Drew weighs 19 lbs, 11 oz. Owen weighs 18 lbs, 2 oz. They are both about 28.5" tall. How can they not weigh more than this?? Here is a sample of what a meal for the boys might include: ~omlette with cheese (1 1/2 eggs) ~one rather large pancake (say, 7" diameter) ~6 oz whole milk ~Some strawberry syrup from Grandpa's french toast ~[for Drew] 1 Tbsp. butter grabbed straight off the pancake and shoved into the mouth before anyone can stop him. Daily snacks include: ~chips ~crackers ~peaches ~food from Vito's dish. And do you see those pictures of them eating all that cake? About an hour prior to the cake, they each polished off their very own Whopper Jr. from Burger King.
The thing that weirds me out is that I've seen kids twice their size eat one bite of that big pancake, and say, "I'm full." So the lack of weight gain is plaguing me. I guess part of it could be that they inherited their dad's ultra-high metabolism. Also, my kids are never stationary unless they're sleeping, and even then, Owen isn't really motionless; he tosses and turns all over the place (another trait he inherited from his dad). But all-in-all, my kids are healthy and happy. And I'm glad they love food so much (something inherited from me).


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it to much my son is 15 months and I swear he weighs 30lbs. He was 27 at his one year appointment! He doesn't eat nearly as much as your boys do. Ok so anyhoo he is killing my back. Thank God he can walk or I would need some serious prescription meds. Love the blog.

Ace said...

Oh no. My nephews are bulimic. Time for an intervention.

abby's photo shoppe said...

I have seen these two boys eat and they DEFINATELY have their fathers metabolism!! Once at a soccer game, I was watching them on the side lines and Drew proceded to eat about 1/3 of a loaf (not a little loaf, a big one) of banana bread and about 1/2 cup of craisins. I think they had both already eaten dinner too. The best part is the noise Drew made the whole time. Mmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. These kids are awesome!

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