01 November 2009

Staying Home

Some sad news: I got let go from my job. I just wasn't picking up on the assisting as fast as the dentist (and I) would have liked, so I got the boot. I was pretty devastated on Friday, my last day there, but I feel much better now. Honestly, I was a horrible assistant. I did well with the cleanings and x-rays, and I really liked that side of things, but I was no good at assisting. So I totally understood where the dentist was coming from. Still, I really enjoyed my time there, I really liked my coworkers, and I felt like a big failure, so I cried for about three hours on Friday afternoon. And now I'm over it. Mostly.
I'm kind of relieved, in a way. I haven't been a very good wife or mom since I've been working full time. My house is a mess and my kids are going nuts. So I'm looking forward to staying home for a while and getting the house scoured and ready for winter. And maybe I'll have a little more time to write on the ol' blog. That'd be nice.

Some very glad news: David and the kids and I were sealed in the temple last Saturday, October 24. It was such a neat experience to have the kids all dressed in white and hear the promises of being a family forever. I was worried that the kids would be loud and misbehave inside the temple, but they behaved really well, with the exception of Samantha, who cried during most of the ceremony. But the officiator was really nice and said to her, "We wouldn't have it any other way, sweet girl." Drew was very excited about the whole thing and when it was over he asked, "Mom, are we married now?" He was so cute. Owen was pretty shy, which is totally in-character for him. But he was excited, too; I could see it in his eyes. And the boys loved their white ties that our sweet neighbor bought for them to wear.
It was so great to have friends and family come up for the occasion, too. My brother and his family came from Colorado, my amazing sister agreed to watch the neices and nephews, and we had friends and cousins come up from Utah, too. Thanks, everyone, for your support!
My favorite Heidi-cousin took some pictures for us. Here are a few (okay, a lot) that I like the best:

Granola bars make good bribes... "Hey, kids, let us take your picture and you can have one!"

I love this one; I just wish I had an editing tool that would let me erase the nose-juices and the granola crumbs...

"Look, mom! Leaf angels!"

This is by far one of the best pictures ever taken of Drew.

This is the least-squinty one we got at this spot. And it was such a gorgeous spot! I think the scenery in the background looks fake, but it is totally real!

A cute family pic.

"Okay, okay. This is the last one, I promise..."


abby's photo shoppe said...

Heather! We wished so bad that we could have been there. :(
But we are so happy for you! If you want to send any pictures that you want edited my way I will happily erase the nose juices and crumbs! We love and miss you.
Abby, Seth, Brigham, Lucy, Sophiabug

Dustin and Tricia said...

I love the pictures! What a sweet memory and time in your life. Sorry about the job. I hope it works out to be a great blessing for your family.

Lura said...

Sorry to hear about the job, but maybe it will be for the best. I LOVE all your pics at the temple! So cute!

Unknown said...

You can never put too many pictures! I love all of them. I am so sad that we missed such a wonderful moment in your life. Just think, the job is nothing when you compare it to your family. The pictures were awesome!

Jennifer said...

Congrats to your family, they all look so cute. How far are you from the Idaho Falls Temple, I think Thayne's brother is getting married there this spring.

Kadee said...

Congrats! You have an adorable family!

Nurse Heidi said...

I'm your favorite Heidi-cousin?? Hooray! We were delighted to be a part of that special day. I still giggle when I think of your boys inquiring about their marital status at the end of it.

I'm sorry to hear that your job didn't work out :P. You know that line about doors shutting and windows opening....blah blah blah...things WILL work out. At the very least, it was a good career test drive.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers