20 September 2008

Party Pictures

Just wanted to relive the excitement since nothing else is going on here.

We got Samantha this cute little skirt at the outlet mall in Boise last week. We appreciate that she's at that age when we can get her clothes for her birthday and she doesn't care.

We also got her this little doll that she loves. If you squeeze the doll's feet it shakes and giggles. The only thing is, Drew likes it a lot too. Samantha has learned that if she squawks at him, he'll give her toys back to her.

Owen had a lot of fun helping Samantha open her presents. Samantha didn't even care; she was just happy her brothers were paying attention to her.

Samantha loves this duck that her adopted grandparents (David's best friend's parents) gave her.

Samantha's cake was a ton of fun to make. I made the flower petals out of Starbursts (rolled 'em flat and cut them into petal shapes); the flower centers are Junior Mints; the lady bugs are squished-up Dots with black frosting piped on for the spots and the heads. I wish I'd had more vanilla frosting. I always think I can frost a two-layer cake with just one can, but it never works out that way. It's just not enough frosting. I had a can of chocolate frosting so I threw that on the sides. It was tasty, but the cake would have looked better all white.

I made a cupcake for Samantha to have and put two lady bugs on it.

Drew helped Samantha blow out her candle.

Left: "Mmm! This is Delicious!" Right: "Hey! I'm not done with that yet!"

Kitchen sinks work best for First Birthday Clean Up.


Kadee said...

What a fun day! There's nothing like their first birthday.

Anonymous said...

Your whole post makes me giggle--so cute and fun. Your captions capture it so well. Love the cake--it's so pretty! It looks good with the chocolate sides. I'm happy to see Samantha so happy!

Marissa said...

How fun!! Also, I think this is funny... I was going to make a cake using starburst flowers too!! I can't remember where I saw the idea but I thought it was SOOO cute. So I hope you don't mind that it looks like I am copying you...

Unknown said...

I love your cake! You did such a great job. I remember being there for the twins first birthdays and I feel a little left out for Samanthas. Can't wait to see you guys. She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love that cake! You are so super-talented. And Samantha has grown so big. I can't believe it's been that long since we've seen you guys . . . We love you and miss you!


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers