10 June 2008

(Started This Post Monday, Finished It Tuesday)

When are we going to experience the warmth of Summer?! I can't believe how chilly and rainy it's been this year. On the plus side, we haven't had to turn on our sprinkler system this year, so that will save us about 30 bucks a month. On the down side, I've been running in the mornings when it's a little too cool for my tastes. Friday, we ran in the rain. I thought, "Oh, it's not raining too badly. Let's just tough it out." So we ran. We got about half way through our run when it started really coming down. By then it was equal distance home no matter which way we went, so we just kept going. I was soaked from head to toe. My shoes were making a slosh slosh noise when I ran. I had started out the day with a little bit of a cold, and I think it made it worse.
Yesterday was a bit rough. I had horrible sinus congestion, and a horrible cough. I didn't run at all, so today when I went running I felt really out of it, having taken three days off. But I only walked twice, for about a hundred yards each time. The big race (okay, so it's not really big, but it's an annual tradition and it's my first race of the year, so I look forward to it the most) is Saturday. I hope I can get two more good runs in before then. I plan on resting Friday to save up some energy.
I'm a little impressed with how well I've been handling the early mornings. I honestly thought I'd last about two days. Today felt especially early, though, after being sick yesterday, and having a rough night, though I apparently slept like a log for most of it.
Owen woke up at 1:30 a.m. just screaming at the top of his lungs. I somehow didn't hear him, but David jumped up out of bed, which did wake me up, so I ran downstairs, too, to see what was going on. I guess Owen had a nightmare but of course he doesn't know what that means, he just knows that he was scared. He wouldn't really tell us what was going on, he just put on his brave face (he really has a specific facial expression that he makes when he's trying not to cry. It involves setting his jaw and wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands. It's so cute), gave me a hug and whispered, "Can you put me back in mine crib?" When he was all tucked in he whispered, "I'd like some water with a lid."
All this commotion woke Drew up. Of course he isn't ashamed to cry, so he cried for himself and for Owen (probably mostly for himself, but there was enough crying to go around). Then he decided that only Mom could hold him, and he didn't want to say goodnight to Dad, and only Mom could tuck him in, and if Dad went near him again he'd cry louder... *sigh*...
Then at about 4:30, our cat decided he wanted to come back in the house. Again, I didn't hear anything until David got up to let the cat in.
When 7:20 rolled around (trust me, people, this is early. For me at least), I didn't hear my alarm clock. David finally nudged me and said, "Your alarm is beeping." By the time I got up to turn it off, it had been going for a full minute.
Today's run went pretty well, except for some congestion and scratchy throat leftover from being sick this weekend. I'm really looking forward to the 5K coming up on Saturday. My goal the last time I ran it was to just run the whole thing. And I did it! I was running really slow, though; my friend Abby was able to walk and keep up with me, that's how slowly I was going. But hey, I tried... So hopefully this year I can work on a better time, even if I have to walk a little bit.


Dustin and Tricia said...

Way to go for running in the rain. Are you running the Heart & Sole? Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Nurse Heidi said...

GOOD FOR YOU! Keep it up! You'll feel so much better once you get really settled in to your routine. I find now that when I have my slack off/sleep in days, the morning seems to be all out of sorts and I somehow don't get dressed until noon.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Heather! I'm proud of you for giving it your best!

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