29 May 2008

Writers Block

Whenever I'm doing something that doesn't involve sitting at the computer, like dishes or making dinner, I think of all these things that I want to have record of. Oh, I gotta put this on my blog. It was hilarious. But when I get a chance to sit down and write it, I can't for the life of me think what it was I wanted to write. Oh, well. Here are a few things that are going on with us that aren't really hilarious, or maybe even interesting, but it's our life these days.
I started running in the mornings (okay, today was only my second day, but I plan on going again tomorrow). I run with a neighbor gal who is doing the Pocatello 5K Series, so she's like a serious, in-shape runner compared to me. I plan on doing a 5K on June 14 in Rexburg, ID, then I plan on signing up for the remainder of the Pocatello runs. I don't know if I'll get to do July's 5K; we'll be in Seattle the week before that, and I'm not sure when if we'll be home in time. But I'm going to do the August and September races for sure (I'm going to send in my money today; I'm of the attitude: "If I paid for it, I gotta do it"). I put a new box on my side bar to track my progress. I'll post race times up there, too.
I don't have much to update on the rest of the family; Drew and Owen are up to their usual rowdy business. Though, they did help me clean their room the other day and they were quite proud of it. When we started, Drew tried to get out of it by saying, "I'm to little to clean." I told him he was big enough, so he said, "I'm too tired." I told him if he was so tired he could go straight to bed. That must have sounded like a bad idea to him, so he started picking up toys. I hope they can remember that sense of pride in having a clean room and pick up more stuff as they drop it rather than leaving it on the floor for days at a time.
Samantha is being unusually grumpy these days. She's been waking up at odd times rather than getting her full naps. Normally when she wakes up, she cries once to let me know she's awake, then she just sits in her crib and chews her blankie and plays with her little doll. Yesterday, though, she woke up and screamed until I picked her up. She had a sore throat (it sounded sore, anyway) and a stuffy nose, though, so I think that was part of the problem. And I think I see a few spots on her gums where teeth might show up. Maybe I'm imagining the spots, but at least it's an explanation as to why my usually cheerful baby is so darn cranky. Samantha still isn't interested in crawling. I wish she'd just go for it because I think it would make play time more fun for her. Then she could, you know, reach the toys and stuff. But I guess the ol' stretch-and-scoot (more often the stretch-and-cry) works for now.
So that's us these days. Boring, boring. But it beats the alternative which is likely to include more vaseline or some other mess.


Nurse Heidi said...

Hooray for running! I talked Emily into committing to the Ogden Marathon next spring. Are you up for a challenge? We'd love to have you along! I'd dare say that you and I are on a similar level - the longest race I've ever done is a 10k, so the half marathon in 2 1/2 months is starting to sound a bit scary.

Laura said...

Man, you runner people amaze me! Good for you for getting exercise. And if the cleaning up thing works for your boys let me know because I still haven't convinced Naomi or Eleanor. . .

Heathie said...

Heidi, I've heard the Ogden Marathon is one of the harder ones. I was thinking I'd start out with Top of Utah in September; most of it is on a slight downhill. I'll see how that goes, and maybe consider Ogden next spring.

Laura, we'll have to teach your kids how to "Zoopity-Zoo!" Naomi might be the right age for it. My boys think it's funny but don't care to help with it.

Unknown said...

Great job! I wish I would be running with you. I signed up for a Teton Relay with my family but, I had to cancel cause I won't be there. I would have loved to do a 5K though. You get me exited! The best of luck. Madeline

Dustin and Tricia said...

Great work on the running! I was thinking of doing the Top of Utah Half, but just might do the Pocatello Half Marathon instead. With gas prices, it actually ends up being cheaper. I gotta check out the route first, but I'm excited to hear you are trying this crazy running thing too!

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers